Thank you for attending DHIC’s Child Care RFQ Pre-Application Meeting.  We greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet you and hear your questions regarding the RFQ.  You can access answers to your questions through the links below.

Application Evaluation

DHIC’s Master Planning and Civic Engagement Process

Local Partnerships and Programming Opportunities

Facility Related Questions

Budget and Financial Projections

DHIC strives to create a fair and efficient RFQ process that ensures all applicants are evaluated on equal ground.  With those goals in mind, there have been three changes to the RFQ process.  First, as a result of input we received at the meeting, DHIC is now requiring that you submit a start-up budget and first year, 12-month cash flow projections.  Please note in your application places where you think additional costs may be incurred or other income resources may be available.

We understand and appreciate that this new requirement is time consuming.  To compensate, we are extending the application deadline to Monday, May 16, 2016 at 4:00 pm.

Finally, we are also requiring an electronic copy of your complete application.  Please provide this electronic copy of your full application when submitting your four hard copies on May 16, 2016 by 4:00 p.m.  We will accept the application on CD, DVD, or USB drive.

Please let Kayla Rosenberg know if you have additional questions.