Please allow me to look back for a moment to our last newsletter. In it, we lifted up the historical significance of Murphey School Apartments as the site of the first Raleigh public school to be desegregated with the admission of William Campbell in 1960. That article briefly mentioned that the Joseph Holt family was the first to actually attempt to integrate Raleigh’s public schools. The Holt family’s efforts have not always been lauded for how pivotal and groundbreaking they actually were. You can learn more of that history from Mr. Holt Jr.’s interview on WRAL’s Tarheel Traveler segment from 2021. We look back to the past for guidance and wisdom to build a strong future.

Spring is in full bloom and that energy has us poised to continue working toward our goals for the year. One of those goals was to bring on a Vice President of Resource Development and Partnerships and we are thrilled to introduce Atinuke Diver who just joined DHIC this month. While you all see my face and hear my name a lot, DHIC would not be the strong organization that it is without the dedicated folks who serve on our staff. So, as we do each newsletter, we have some staff anniversaries to celebrate!

In addition to our regular Development updates, we are fortunate to be able to share news of American Rescue Plan funding that DHIC was able to secure for the Milner Commons development.

While current market conditions are challenging for first time homebuyers, taking advantage of the education and counseling is the best way for those aspiring homebuyers to prepare for the time when the market does turn. DHIC’s tag line is Home to Opportunity and a large part of that focus is captured in the work of our Homeownership Center team. With this newsletter, we are kicking off a series on what it’s like to go through the Bringing Home the Dream Workshops.